Time Management

by - January 25, 2017

One of the most difficult skills to master at the beginning of your carrier is time management. You can waste tremendous amount of time by trying to multi tasking or focusing too much on unimportant details. Here are 12 things I want to learn while I am in my 20’s.

1.      There is always time : You never run out of time , you just have to prioritize better . If you didn’t finish something by time it was due , it’s because you didn’t consider it urgent or enjoyable enough to prioritize it ahead of whatever else you were doing .

2.      Days fill up faster than you’d expect : Build in some buffer time . Avoid over scheduling by refraining from getting to precise with a plan . ‘The more precise a plan the more easier it is to miss’ .

3.     You get more done when you are in the zone : Some days you’ll be off your game , and other times you’ll  be able to maintain your focus for 12 hours straight. Take advantages of those days .

4.     Pursue the beneficial : You should pursue activities that benefit both your personal and professional lives . Don’t sign up for anything  that will consume your time and effort and not benefit either  , choose your tasks carefully .

5.     Push yourself, don’t burn out : Hard work sometimes entails stretches of little sleep . But make sure you relax well or exhaustion will catch up on you .

6.     Multitasking kills your focus : If you have two tasks to be done . Do them separately ,doing time together is going to give them only 50% of your attention and won’t be to your level best  .

7.     Distractions can be controlled : You know what your distractions are , keep them at bay  and you are good to go .

8.    More work hours don’t always result in productivity : Don’t kid yourself into thinking that if you sit at your desk it will somehow extract work from you . Work effectively and fast .
9.     Starting time : If it takes more than twenty minutes to get started , change your task . Working on the same one will slow down your groove .

10.Take notes : Don’t assume you will remember every good idea that comes to your head during the day . Keep a pen handy so that you can jot it down .

11.  Keep larger objectives : Keep your eyes on your real prize . Doing this gets you through your working day .

12. Bye Past: If your previous task was of the same genre didn’t go well , don’t let it hinder you . Focus on what’s in front of you and make it the best you have done yet.

Until next time 

Polý agape (lots of love) and stay cheerful :)  !

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