Beat Procrastination | Read More

by - May 14, 2017

Many of us let it affect us because we aren’t aware of the fact that we are victims of procrastination . I’m not a professional at any of this, just a lifelong procrastinator who thinks about this topic all the time. I’m still in a total battle with my own habits, but I have made some progress in the last few years, and I’m drawing my thoughts from what’s worked for me.

So firstly

What is procrastination?

Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished. Thus putting off impending tasks to a later time. Basically the act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention.

The key to beating procrastination is to find out what your specific reasons are for doing so , and then addressing them at the core .

Reasons :

#1 Lack of motivation : You experience a lack of motivation . If you are able to clearly see how your work connects to your interests or goals . You are more likely to value your work and be motivated to invest your energy into it .

#2  Perfectionism  : Perfectionism limits the definition of success to an unrealistic standard .

#3  Fear of the unknown : Just because you haven’t done it before , aren’t sure how it will turn out or if you are good at it you postpone it . Push your limits and step out of your comfort zone . You can be a whole box of talents waiting to be discovered !

#4  Working small : Working on smaller tasks just because they are easier and consume less time . The immediate hassle of having to wait for a payoff doesn’t seem worth the unknown future benefits .

#5  Clarity : You are unclear about how to get things started . Try breaking complex tasks into a series of smaller ones .

#6  Effort : You know the task will require effort and hard work . Working on a long project takes a lot of effort . This often leads to losing motivation and tending to leave aside the project for some other time .

Until next time 
Polý agape (lots of love) and stay cheerful :)

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