New year , New me !

by - January 15, 2017

All these years I always have been constantly asked “What is your new year’s resolution?”. No matter how much I try to be focused and accomplish it , I fail . After all those resolutions went down the drain I decided on something new. I am going to make my resolution a success by tackling one new habit a month for an entire year. By the end of the year, I will have 12 new habits that will benefit me for a lifetime. You can join me in this quest too .
Let’s get started! Not January anymore, no problem. Just jump in wherever you are, and loop back at the end of the year.

Save More Money:     I realized that the previous year I just splurged my pocket money as soon as I got it . So, this month I am going to save money. Any unwanted subscriptions or temporary urges will be cancelled. Starting simple I’ll get packed lunch instead of buying it .

Practice Mindfulness: Unplug more , I am planning to make sure I am away from my phone /tv/laptop screen for at least three hours a day . This I think is going to make a good difference in my life.

Get Organised:  Planning on digitizing all my documents , so that I can have it on the go . Purge the home of expired products and unwanted items. Scan my wardrobe of what I haven’t wore this month and give it away .

Anti stress activity: Make sleep a priority (Give yourself the optimal amount of sleep , and don’t compromise on it ) . Fit exercise into everyday. Use a planner (to have all your events and to do’s set).

Eat more fruits : Although veggies are somehow incorporated in our daily diet . Fruits need to be too . Planning on spending the evening snacks with fruits bowls rather than fried yums :P

Value experiences over things: As this time of the year many people including myself will be on our summer breaks . I have planned on valuing the experiences more than capturing them. Learn from each day . Go on a refreshing holiday , even if it is a weekend getaway .

Drink more water : Keep a jug /mason jar on my bedside and keep sipping on it . So that i keep myself more hydrated and keep a track .

Learn a new skill : I love doing this . and have been doing it from a long time . Whenever I get spare time , I try to learn something new and useful .

Control proportion sizes:  Smaller servings and plates , to control the urge to eat in excess of what is loved . So that my appetite is watched and balanced.

Practise Generosity: Smile a little more, be a little more kind . This month I plan on being more grounded and simple, to take opinions and suggestions positively and genuinely work on it.

Master in the skill I learnt : August was a month to learn something new . This month I plan on mastering that skill and spend more time on it .

Be more valued than materialistic : Things don’t matter as far as the emotion attached to it is . I plan on strengthening this value of mine and totally irradiate materialization.  

Until next time 

Polý agape (lots of love) and stay cheerful :)  !

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