Words - A Creative Force

by - April 26, 2017

We can’t touch words but our words can touch one’s heart and soul. The words we speak can put a smile on someone’s face or bring tears to another one’s eyes .We can encourage one other with the words we speak or crush hopes and dreams of one by not watching what we say. Our words are more powerful than we give them credit .

They are indeed a creative force.

We are the masters of our unspoken words and slaves of the spoken ones . It solemnly depends on us decide what we want the outcome to be .All of this crashed to me when I came across this ayah (verse) from the Quran that said

 “The believers of the most merciful are those who walk upon the Earth in humility and when the ignorant address them , they say words of peace”-Quran [25:63]

This made me comprehend that the most important part of our  life is actually the ability to use  words . They define our values , our personality . We are no better than our  words , we are no greater than our words . The character of  our words is the character of our personality so we got to choose them wisely .

Our life is just is the expression, the manifestation , the reflection of our words and where we are today is ultimately a result of something we said right or wrong . Ever since I realized that my words had so much power I trained myself to never use abusive or negative language .I can say everything I ever need to say without pilling on insults, and without denigrating the other person .

It is also important to keep in mind that where your attention goes, so goes your emotional energy . Focus on positive things and your life will be positive. Avoid saying negative things about other unnecessarily, when you say destructive things about others –your emotional energy is also negatively affected. However if you want to point out deficiencies for the purpose of helping someone improve in certain areas , use tact and diplomacy to focus on performance issues and always avoid personal attacks.

“Any fool can criticize , condemn and complain but it takes a character and self control to be understanding  and forgiving” – Quran

Refrain from negative conversations and help yourself to being a person of kind words . “Generosity is an easy thing , it is a smiling face and kind words” – Umar (ra).It’s that simple refuse to be a part of groups who speak poorly of others .You are surrounded by people who are thrive on cutting others down , reconsider with whom you spend your time .

Friends , it matters how you speak .It matters how you express yourself .And this has nothing to do with your religion , these quotes I am sharing are from my favourite book (Quran) every religion preaches kindness and peace and you will always get better results if you speak nicely to others . Speak the truth but kindly and politely .

“No one who has the weight of arrogance in his heart will enter paradise” – Quran

“If  a man defamed you with what he knows about you , do not defame him with what you know about him . For the sin is against him”-Mohammed (S.A)

“Show forgiveness, enjoy what is good and turn away from the foolish”-Quran[7:199]

Until next time 
Polý agape (lots of love) and stay cheerful :)

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